Can Cannabis Help With Insomnia?

Cannabis could be one solution to insomnia; often working better than prescription sleep medications that may lead to unwanted side effects like dizziness, cognitive impairment, daytime sedation, weight gain and metabolic syndromes. More research needs to be conducted before concluding whether cannabis works effectively as an insomnia remedy in people without anxiety or chronic pain conditions.

Marijuana, commonly referred to as weed, herb, pot, grass, ganja and Mary Jane is the dried flowers from female Cannabis sativa plants that is typically consumed via smoking methods like joints; pipes/waterpipes (sometimes called bongs); blunts, which are empty cigar wrappers filled with marijuana; or electronic devices that extract and deliver its active components without burning the plant itself.

Studies on 159 patients seeking medical cannabis to address their sleep issues found that 71% reported subjective improvements, as well as being able to discontinue or reduce prescription medication dosage levels, as reported in this research study.

However, it should be remembered that this study relied on retrospective chart reviews rather than direct causality and that different kinds of cannabis products on the market with different active chemicals can have different effects on bodies; moreover, how cannabis was taken in can have an enormous effect on its effectiveness as a sleep aid.

Some patients prefer smoking marijuana through a hand-rolled cigarette known as a joint, while others may opt for edibles containing both marijuana and other herbs. A vaporizer may provide even greater effectiveness than smoking or eating directly as its heat releases active ingredients from plants that would otherwise remain dormant.

While more research needs to be conducted to ascertain whether cannabis helps with insomnia, it has proven a safe alternative to prescription sleep medications in most instances. As always, consult your physician regarding any sleep disorders or health concerns prior to beginning any new treatments, including cannabis.

What other steps can I take to improve my sleep?

Since insomnia is often brought on by stress, learning relaxation techniques will help alleviate it and allow for a restful night’s rest. You might also try practicing good sleep hygiene – a set of daily habits designed to make falling asleep easier and staying asleep through the night; improving diet by adding more fruits and vegetables into meals; exercising regularly; managing any health conditions which could contribute to insomnia – or visiting the National Sleep Foundation website for tips and information regarding this area.