Can Cannabis Help With Insomnia?

Cannabis could be one solution to insomnia; often working better than prescription sleep medications that may lead to unwanted side effects like dizziness, cognitive impairment, daytime sedation, weight gain and metabolic syndromes. More research needs to be conducted before concluding whether cannabis works effectively as an insomnia remedy in people without anxiety or chronic pain …

Risks of Marijuana Use During Pregnancy

Pregnant women who use marijuana may put their babies at greater risk, from birth defects and low weight to developmental delays and difficulties with concentration. No amount of marijuana is known to be safe during gestation; its chemicals, including THC which passes through the placenta to reach its fetus, may interfere with its brain development, …

Can You Travel With Medical Marijuana?

Traveling requires knowing both local and international laws regarding medical marijuana. Many are still unaware that although legal in certain states and countries, marijuana remains classified as a controlled substance under federal law and this may create difficulties while traveling with it. There are ways around these problems; this article will explore these methods of …

How to Obtain a Medical Marijuana Card in New York

To obtain a medical marijuana card in any state, the process can vary considerably; generally speaking, however, you must meet all of your state’s program requirements. In New York specifically, this means meeting with a practitioner registered to participate in the Medical Marijuana Program to discuss your condition and determine whether medical cannabis could benefit. …

Effects of Marijuana on Brain Health

Marijuana, commonly referred to as weed, herb, pot grass ganja or Mary Jane is a greenish-gray mixture composed of the dried flowers of cannabis sativa plant. Often consumed through hand-rolled cigarettes called joints; pipes/water pipes known as bongs; brownies cookies candies etc; it may even be vaped using devices called vape pens. Cannabis has long …

How to Apply For a Marijuana Cultivation License

An application for a marijuana cultivation license is an integral step for cannabis producers looking to grow and process their own products. Cultivators must submit several documents and plans to the state, such as an application itself and security plans; requirements can differ between states and municipalities, so professional assistance may be useful to get …

Best Marijuana Strains For Anxiety and Depression

As part of managing anxiety and depression, finding the appropriate cannabis strain with mood-boosting properties may be useful. Tracking your experience with various strains is key in finding which ones work for you as well as the dosage that meets your unique needs – keeping a strain journal may also prove useful here. Working with …

Marijuana Edibles Vs Smoking Effects

Marijuana edibles and smoking effects vary considerably, from how quickly a high hits to its intensity of experience. Smoking disseminates cannabinoids directly into the bloodstream via inhalation; this creates a swifter high which may appeal to those looking for quick relief of pain or other symptoms. Edibles take time to digest in the stomach and …

How to Choose the Right Marijuana Strain

How Can I Choose the Correct Marijuana Strain? Unfortunately there is no universal answer for selecting a good strain; what works for one individual may differ significantly from what works for others. There are, however, some strategies which can help find your ideal strain: it is important to determine what effects you wish to gain …